A man’s Astral corps evaporates like pure incense by rising towards the upper regions, but if the man lived a slave to his passions, or in crime, his Astral corps holds him prisoner, as he continues to search for the people & objects of his passions 👔🤳⚽️🏚🛳 👩🏻
He wishes to live again he torments the dreams of young girls beds, in the vapours of spilled blood, and loiters around places where the pleasures of life unfolded or who he controlled in life, to stay attached 💤
He still watches over the treasures he had possessed and hoarded. He exhaust him self with painful efforts in order to make himself material organs, such as to live again 👨🏼
His old vices appear as monstrous figures and chase him, they devour and attack him as they feel his intellect is weak, his memory slowly fading, his entire being is dissolving 👤
Then he dies for a second time and forever because he then loses his personality, and his memory —— 😶
In order to escape their Astral-courts that souls sometimes enter into the living and live within them in a state cabalists call
“Embryonate” ——
It is these aerial corpses larvae which are evoked that are contacted through ceremonial magic —- (black magic 🚫)
Never mess with it, and I don’t lol but KNOW it —-
You let the dead bury the dead ⚰️
They cannot communicate except through “the ringing of your ears” MINE BUZZ ALL DAY —- produced in the astral light by the nervous system, and only understood when reflecting upon our thoughts and our dreams 🔱
As Above So Below 🔻
The Doctrine of High Magic ⭕️