YOU ARE DEAD & LOST AT SEA 🌊 ADMIRALTY LAW – The Law of Water 🐟 Magistrates of courts wear black robes, which represent the black cube(Saturn) – the same type of garbs worn by sorcerers and satanists during their rites and rituals. They wear them because they are in mourning for justice, and mourning […]


ADMIRALTY LAW – The Law of Water 🐟 When you go overboard a ship and you’re trapped in the water and someone throws you a rope to rescue you, they are bailing you out. To bail you out of the water is the same as when someone bails you out of prison. This is known […]

Dead and Lost at Sea

You are Dead and Lost at Sea 🌊💀 Men impregnate women with semen (sea-men). Women are a vessel or a ship. Men and women mar-ry. People will say “Is she of good stock” or “is she bad company?”(corporation) – Money is water. When you subtract the expenses from an income you have what’s called the […]

The Initiate

To be an Initiate of the Mysteries 🤫 – is to work on oneself – Not in a circle of materialistic SEDUCTIVE CURRENTS —- its done Alone, then share it for others, in small packages as people’s attention span is fucked 😂 The Great Work, in a Great Year, your life script (Akashic) – your […]

Train your Mind

Train your mind —- anyone can lift Dumb-Bells AND FEED THEIR JACK Russell’s protein 💪🏻 most PT’s just parrot what their taught with a degree in selfies —— zero knowledge of the magic of the mind, and how to control it through imagination, meditation and repetition, the most powerful skill to harness this is your […]

EYE of the World

357 🌞 ——The EYE of the world(ancients called the Sun) is the mirage of the reflection of God, and the Soul of the earth is under permanent gaze of the King 👑 Which impregnates its perception with the Moon by sending a solar image by Day(12) and by Night(12) —- perpetuated daily 👁 Hermes says […]

The Mysteries

ALL the occult mysteries of antiquity with ALL the GODS and their opposites, that are the legion of Demons that rule here — polarity All the secrets to the Universe are hidden in plain sight, masked in symbolism, in Tarot, in crude allegorical scriptures, mostly in Anatomy ——ITS ALL ENVELOPED INSIDE YOU 👁 The EMPIRE […]


Here begins the enchantments 🎩 —— here we can announce wonders and reveal the most hidden of things 🤫 The Pentagram (5 – is the head with 2 arms , 2 legs of opposites — So it’s MAN) —- expresses the domination of the mind over the elements (4) 🔳 When a mage has achieved […]

Serpent of Genesis

Do you know the most powerful force in the Universe? When the magnetic atmosphere of two people is so balanced that the attractive qualities of one absorbs the expansion of the other 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨 An attraction is produced that we call sympathy, and the imagination absorbs all the rays of energy it is experiencing, thus creates […]

Astral Corps

A man’s Astral corps evaporates like pure incense by rising towards the upper regions, but if the man lived a slave to his passions, or in crime, his Astral corps holds him prisoner, as he continues to search for the people & objects of his passions 👔🤳⚽️🏚🛳 👩🏻 He wishes to live again he torments […]