The Matrix

In the Matrix when Morpheus is walking with Neo explaining to him what the Matrix system is(society), while Neo is listening, he gets distracted by the beautiful Woman in the Red Dress.Morpheus, in ancient Greek mythology, is a messenger of the Gods that enters the dreams of mortals to share esoteric knowledge and hidden messages with […]

The Sun God

The Catholic Church worships Moloch – the practice of child sacrifice the Bible you’ll see it everywhere as Abraham was about to sacrifice Jacob ..seriously ! the father of faith he’s called and about to KILL his Son – the three books of religion are attributed to him..of Abraham Isaac and Jacob of Is-ra-el […]

The Ancients

We can no longer believe that we are born into this world to accumulate wealth and abandon ourselves to mortal pleasures. We see the dangers and realize that we have exploited for centeries. We were told that the twentieth century was the most progressive that the world has ever known, but the progression was in […]

The Sacred Science

“The Sacred science is the abstraction of the human soul from bondage to the senses, and it’s preparation to receive within itself the light of vast truths. These adept philosophers were truly evolved human beings.Some men are naturally suited to higher learning for they posses integrity of motive, the patience of effort, and the vision […]

The Tree of Life

Occult knowledge of existence 👁 We live inside an Eco system called – The of Tree of life, and it’s no accident as they want you to be-lie-ve. It’s proof is visible for all to see, but hard to accept because of our programming.Equal light, equal dark – is an Equinox – high Sun, low […]

Mystery Schools

The Mystery schools of Antiquity – masked in Symbolism – never to be revealed to the profane –Nations come and go, empires rise and fall – golden ages of Arts, Science and idealism are succeed by the Dark age of superstition 🔡✡️🔢It’s why reincarnation is the machinery of the Universe to experience the polarities of […]

Written in the Stars

It’s written in the stars ✨it’s all numerology and symbolism, The Universe Loves to Hide it’s secrets –– Jesus was crucified by the Roman government and died for 3 days at age 33. Jesus was crucified at Golgotha (place of the skull) at age 33 in the year 33 A.D.– Elohim appears 33 times in […]

Orb of Day

It did not take ancient man very long to decide that in this world the single greatest enemy to be feared was the darkness of night, and all the unknown dangers that came with it. Simply stated “MAN’S FIRST ENEMY WAS DARKNESS.” Understanding this one fact alone, one can readily see why the greatest and […]

The Druids

THE CELTIC DRUIDS OF Eire, Britain & Gaul – (France, Belgium, Germany)– They studied ancient verse, natural philosophy, astronomy, and the lore of the gods, some spending as much as 20 years in training. The Druids were said to believe that the soul was immortal and passed at death from one person into another. The […]


Manifestation is the result of a positive and negative principle, one acting upon the other, it takes place in the middle plane , or point of equilibrium, equator – equal – equinox – called “pleroma”.The blending of the spiritual from Above with the material aeons below (Ages, periods,planes,cycles of celestial creatures).Out of the pleroma- the […]