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Chapter 6: A Fool in School

The time came for my leaving cert and after getting suspended 5 times that year I end up getting expelled, between taking ecstasy and alcohol, coke, LSD, tablets and hash the mentality of an drug user is as long as you’re not a heroin addict everything else is acceptable, now I had a promise of Harry that if I passed my leaving cert he’d take me on as an apprentice plumber. Breaking the news of been expelled for calling a teacher a fat beardy basterd didn’t go down to well with his cornflakes. He made me go up to the school with my tale between my legs kicking stones dreading the smug look on O’ Dowd’s face , there was a meeting with all the big guns principle Savage vice principle Garvey and O’ Dowd himself who had me on a conduct sheet for 8 month, where I had to go to every class and get a report of my conduct in every class ,he use to poke me with his big index finger same size as a snickers as he spoke to me ,I hated the fucker……Decision was made not to let me back to class but I could sit my exams so I was chuffed . I sat the exams and got 4 honours and a pass a small miracle considering I was muzzled for the two years .I went to Harry with my results and got my job the week later.

I started working under my brother Keith who was very gifted with his hands but a nightmare to work for, as I was the younger brother I got blamed for every mistake he made and every issue he had, but very grateful for the plumbing skills I acquired because of him. My favourite was Jonsey he was my Da,s apprentice when they served their time and also an alcoholic, his nickname was Three Day because he never worked more than three days a week and if ye asked him why he said “because I can’t survive on two “he always had a hangover which always resulted in a handy day and he was very easy going so I didn’t mind keeping sketch as he slept in the attic, we would always finish a little early and go for a pint and game of pool. We end up getting busy and as I was in my second year at this stage my dad brought me out to my first job to do on my own in a school in Blancherstown , he built me up that much on the way , I was like a plumber on steroids he was very clever that way always competing us with each other, got to the job was giving directions and had my lunch of Chrissie , two ham sambos and two fun size milky way’s , now when I say ham I mean a slice of waifo ham between two slices of bread , ye could see thru it was that thin…. so fully nourished I worked my ass off that day got everything done as my Dad requested, took me a little longer but I was chuffed and couldn’t wait to show him . It was 530 and no sign of him I waited 630 came I decided to ring from school phone, rang his 088 mobile it was like an army walkey talkey he said “hello “I could music in the background he was in karaoke in the Red lion Pub, saying ahhh sorry son I forgot all about collecting ye walk out and get a taxi and get your Ma to pay for it. After a hard day’s work hoping to get acknowledged id to start walking now Bancherstown was Northside so id no idea where home was only on the M50 the new road was built , I was wearing a big green wax jacket Harry bought us matching ones for work with green tool bags , a tenner each but horrific looking I start to ponder my decision to work for him , as I start walking the rain poured I got directions to the M50 putting my hand out for a taxi every time and non stopped but wouldn’t blame them with the serial killer outfit I was wearing. Got to M50 and decided to keep walking to shorten the journey now I didn’t realize a taxi wouldn’t stop on that road and it was illegal to walk on it , at this stage I was seriously pissed off walking , I got to Lucan exit and security pulled me and said I wasn’t allowed to walk on it , I begged him for a lift told him my situation and he said sorry he wasn’t allowed , I kindly called him a prick to shove his lift up his whole and went on my way all the time plotting to stab the drunken basterd in his sleep , after two and a half hours I got to Tallaght and at this stage my toes were bleeding from the shitty boots he got me for work , id a decision to make either take the taxi fare of 20 pound and have a great weekend or tell me Ma I walked home and take his life that night, as I already had a taste for the drink myself so I suffered in silence and never told of the pain and anguish I went thru that night .
Every morning me and Keith would get woken by me Dad “Ok sons get up get out and get at it “
Now steo worked one or two Saturdays and decided it wasn’t for him and became a roofer with our Cousin’s very successful roofing company. So every morning we would drive into Angier street to drop me Dad off in Angier house a rough pub in town full of all sorts of characters , Harry would knock on window as wasn’t open that early he be let in and Keith would drive the jeep , now at the stage Keith was a heroin addict which Harry was oblivious too so we would drive off till Keith scored his bag and head to the job , this particular day we were working in a nuns house and Keith needed his fix, this was one of reasons I learned pretty quick how to plumb, he climbed into the attic to chase the dragon while directing me what do , telling me how good I was for a second year that he will let me drive the jeep after work , ye very maniliptive but I also wanted his acceptance , I done all the pipe work while he was drinking tea and penguin bars with his face black from scratching as tinfoil when burned caused black fingers. We finished our day and headed back to the pub to collect me Dad, my favourite part to have a few pints. After two pints as Keith had to drive he couldn’t drink much plus he was stoned of his eyeballs so we were all nicely buzzing coming home, this was the norm!
A week later it all came to a head when me ma caught him smoking gear in the sitting room, there was uproar and Keith broke down and said he needed help so went to treatment down the country to Sister Concellios as my cousin Johner was already there, so they had each other for support…. he stayed for 3 months and came home early and came back to work which I was delighted to have my brother back. Johner stayed and completed the program.


Everything starts with a thought, each thought produces electrochemical activity in your brain. How is this so? Our system is made up of two elements:
Nervous system (electrical)
Endocrine system (chemical)
Your brain is comprised of neurons (or nerve cells); there are around 100 billion of them called dendrites there like little trees that are constantly growing branches that connect to each other. It receives messages through dendrites, the greater number of these the more connections there are with other cells the more accessible the thought, so just like going the gym to train your nervous system to build your muscle the mind can also be worked and made stronger. These branches are involved in the process receiving and then consolidating all the information that is sent from your senses. Because the brains influence extends to whole body and not just the head these nerve cells protrude into every area of the body and connect into every muscle and organ forming the nervous system.
The endocrine system is the partner of the nervous system which is comprised of a number of small organs- the glands- secretes various hormones into the bloodstream (drug store) knowing this now could have saved me years of torture buying of drug dealers to manipulate these feelings!! The master is the pituitary gland – a tiny gland about the size of a pea situated at the bottom of the brain, this is effectively the brains pharmacy – open all hours every day and is governed by the hypothalamus. (Pablo)

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