Christ Consciousness is a high state in consciousness, its our true nature. A state of intellectual development and emotional maturity. When we say ‘Christ Consciousness’ we do not mean a religious perspective. It is a Universal symbol of enlightenment or Archetype.
It symbolizes the spiritual elevation that Jesus achieved, and is achieved by all spiritual teachers after a period of suffering 🌟
This is the second coming – it’s an internal state of consciousness, that one elevates himself above the realm of physical existence to know you are an eternal soul
Kundalini energy of the serpents knowledge of the Tree of good and evil ⭕
The whole New Testament was written as an allegory of regeneration of the human heart through Christ consciousness ❤️
Those who only believe that this life is all there is are merely ignorant to the vast intelligence of our Universe and beautiful Creator to allow us to go to school and learn harsh lessons.
Earths a school of reincarnation, children are starving in some countries because of greed, do you care about their souls ? selfishness, ego maniacs will all be thought serous lessons in next few years ..see the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil – footballers, celebrities, politicians , police , priesthood the music industry and especially HOLLYWOOD are all controlled entities to harvest souls by the beasts of Babylon – Black Magic using White symbols — 👹