You are Dead and Lost at Sea 🌊💀
Men impregnate women with semen (sea-men). Women are a vessel or a ship. Men and women mar-ry. People will say “Is she of good stock” or “is she bad company?”(corporation) –
Money is water. When you subtract the expenses from an income you have what’s called the cash ‘flow’. When you turn an asset into cash it’s called liquidation, you liquidate an asset. 💴
What do you find on either side of a river? Banks. Just like how river banks control the flow of the water current into the sea. Banks control the cash-flow of the currency by Mer-chant bankers
(current-sea). 💰🌊
When the river banks rupture they can no longer contain the flow of the current to the sea, similarly when your own cash-flow goes into negative you are considered bank-rupt. ✖️
When your pay your due, you pay your ‘dew’ (Dew is water in the form of droplets that appears on thin, exposed objects in the morning or evening due to condensation).💧
To catch the wind and move a boat or ship you put up the sail, when you place something you own on the market, you put up for sale👨💼