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Hide in Plane Sight

What interests you ? For me it’s existence itself, and the secret esoteric knowledge masking reality of this matrix and how they hide it in plane sight. 👁
you’d be surprised who that bothers lol – I don’t give a bollix what anyone thinks it’s to much work – I actually use this page to store knowledge for myself as a repository to put into a book and blog – Im building the software.

THE ZOHAR AND KABBALAH with breakfast 

The Zohar is the central text of Kabbalah, and Kabbalah is the spiritual heritage of all humankind. Kabbalah predates and transcends identification with any religion, nation, or ethnicity.

The first book of Kabbalah, the Sefer Yetzirah (The Book of Creation), occurred four hundred years before the revelation of the Ten Utterances (or Commandments), the Sefer Yetzirah preceded the written Bible by many centuries.

The Sefer Yetzirah describes how Creation was accomplished through the distinct energies of the twenty-two letters of the Hebrew alphabet and the 10 points of the Sefirot – Three of Life – give the 32 paths of wisdom and understanding and why the masons use these numbers for enlightenment..there paths of the tree of LIFE , & Three of Knowledge of Good and Evil, the letters’ numerological significance. It’s simply mind blowing knowledge.

The teachings of the Sefer Yetzirah, however, are so compressed as to be impenetrable to all,but very elevated souls. If the Zohar is like a shining, multifaceted jewel, the Sefer Yetzirah is a small but perfectly cut diamond whose proportions can be appreciated only by a highly trained eye.

Kabbalah, in common with other spiritual traditions, teaches that the negativity that afflicts humankind came about through the temptation and fall of primordial man. The kabbalists have used the word chaos to describe the negative circumstances that surround us–the “Murphy’s Law” environment or Karma – in which things will go wrong if they possibly can.

The 32 paths of wisdom and understanding through the 10 Sefirot and 22 letters of Hebrew alphabet – or tree of life.

It’s all designed to bring spiritual balance from the pillars of Solomon’s temple which is polarity – to bring order out of Chaos 🎭

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