Lucifer (Lilith) 🔱
YOUR Dark side 😈 —- p1
What does God care for a premature fetus that dies since life is eternal❓
What does nature care for the madness which kills (food chain), since REASON always lives and conserves the keys of life 7️⃣
The terrible and just power which eternally kills fetuses was called, by the Hebrews, Samuel,
By the Orientals, Satan, and by the Latins, Lucifer 🀄️
The Lucifer of the Kabbalah is not a cursed and stricken angel, he is an angel which brings light and regenerate by burning 🌞
(it’s why they block the Sun – to powerful in Aquarius) 🔥
To Fight against the Phantoms of Death, one must identify with the realities of life ⚪️⬛️ square the circle
There exists in man a magical force analogous to that of nature, and that force is reason, or the verb of man/woman 🔱
The verb of man is the expression of his WILL directed by REASON. The verb is very powerful when it is reasonable, because it is ANALOGOUS to the Verb of God 🌳
Through the verb of his reason, man becomes the conqueror of life and triumphs over death ♦️