The fixed Star ⭐️ is beautiful, radiant, and calm. She drinks the celestial aromas and looks upon her sisters with love, dressed in a splendid robe and she has a forehead decorated with diamonds, she smiles and sings to her father of the morning and the evening. She enjoys and eternal rest which nothing is trouble, and she walks solemnly without leaving the position assigned by the sentinels of light ✨
The Errant comet ☄️(lucifer) —- however, all blooded and disheveled, rushes up from the depths of the heavens. She dashes across the peaceful sphere like a war chariot, between the ranks of the procession of virgins 👰🏻
She dares to confront the burning sword of the guardians of the Sun, and like a frantic wife looking for a husband she dreamed of during her nights as a widow, she penetrates right up to the tabernacle of the king of daytime 👑
Then she escapes, exhaling the fires which devour her and dragging behind her a along blaze. The stars pale at her approach, the constellations of sheep, which graze on the flowers of light in the vast countryside of the sky, seem to run from her terrible breath 😱
The great Council of the stars is assembled. The most beautiful of fixed stars is that last given the task of speaking in the name of the heavens to the vagabond messenger ⭐️ — 🔱 (999 666)
My sister, she says, why do you trouble the harmony of the spheres❓
How have we wronged you, and why, instead of wondering haphazardly, why you don’t fix yourself like us at your position in the court of the Sun ☀️
Why don’t you come and sing evening hymns with us, dress like us in white robe, which is attached to her chest with a diamond clip ♦️
If you took your place with the daughters of the heavens, how beautiful would you appear.
Your face would no longer be inflamed with fatigue and you would be pure, and your smiling face would be like that of my happy sisters, and all the stars would know you, and, rather than fearing your passage, they would rejoice with your approach 😈