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Magical Thinking

You see, magical thinking sees a hidden dimension of reality where all objects, people, times, and places touch one another.
What we perceive as separate entities in the world are actually all connected through invisible threads in the magical archetypical ether(quantum physics)

Magic also sees the boundary separating the human mind from the natural world as porous and ultimately illusory.

So if a magician subjectively perceives a relationship between any two objects, this
relationship automatically becomes ‘real’ in the ‘astral’ world(he creates archetypes) 🙇🏻‍♂️

The world within and without naturally flow into one another and form a homogenous, interconnected whole.

This whole, this dimension where time and space and mind and world melt together is
what today we call ‘poetry’.

But for a magician, poetry is not confined to the human imagination – it imbues the forces of nature and mind.

What today we see as impersonal elements and forces, he sees as conscious agents that are
in contact with his thoughts and feelings that he feeds daily in his mind ◽️◼️◽️◼️◽️◼️◽️◼️◽️◼️◽️◼️

The Golden Bough – James Frazer

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