Here’s the Similarities between the Masonic CHiram(the sons of the widow) esoteric meaning and the Hindu kundalini through the sixth ventricle of the 33 vertebrae of the spinal column..
The Masonic order is divided into thirty three symbolic degrees.
Jesus became was crucified in the 33rd year of his life. He’s the allegory of regeneration of human consciousness.
The exact science of human regeneration(the New Testament) is the Lost Key 🔑 of Masonry, for the spirt fire is lifted up through the 33 degrees or segments of the spinal column and enters the Domed chamber of the human skull, it finally passed to the pituitary body(Isis) where it invokes(pineal gland) and demands the Sacred Name by which the Eye of Horus is opened 👁.
The entrance of the souls of the dead – Osiris ..
The Pythagorean and Qabbalistic systems of numbers or letters – conveying the sounds and symbols of the Gods 🔢🔡 along with the philosophical and astrological cycles of the Egyptians Chaldeans then Greeks.
The first TEMPLE of Solomon stood for 33 years ..then destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar and the people of Jerusalem (known as the center of earth and furthest point from away from God in a geocentric model) they were led into captivity to Babylon.
King David ruled for 33 years in “Jerusalem” – 10; Malkut – represents the first temple built by Solomon and the furthest point from God – 1 ;Keter – Crown..the polarity of good and evil can only be represented in the physical world were we have the free will choice of both ☯️