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Spirit over Eqypt

Again and again the Zohar reminds us that the Bible is a coded document whose hidden meanings must be discovered and fully interpreted. The biblical patriarchs and matriarch are templates or guides for us to get closer to the upper-worlds.

“Wow to anyone who see in the Bible only simple stories and simple words.”

After escaping slavery in Egypt and miraculously crossing the Red Sea, the Israelites arrived at the foot of Mount Sinai.

But as we have pointed out, in the Zohar, “Egypt” does not refer to a political or geographical entity. “Egypt” is a coded representation of a spiritual condition.

It denotes slavery to the physical world, bondage to the degenerate attractions of material reality, and estrangement from the real treasure and fulfilment, which is the light of the Creator.

Moses leading Israel out of Egypt’s an allegorical rendition of a people’s struggle to move beyond the enslavement of who they really are and towards a new, more spiritual evolved reality in future lives.

The Zohar teaches us to recognise the same story in our own lives. Each of us is challenged by the seductive bondage of the sorcerers of black magic that is – “Egypt ,” from which each of us must find the way to break free.

Moses great achievement was to restore access to the Tree-of-Life reality in the minds and hearts of the people(consciousness).

The magicians say first it must be concealed from the eye, and then the magician goes into his craft to reveal it. 🎩
Chaos is the disruption of the ordered circuitry between the physical realm and the UpperWorlds. ☯️

In this paradise a much different dimension than we inhabit today, the Tree-of-Life reality prevailed. 🌀

When the allegory Adam and Eve partook in the forbidden fruit of the a tree of knowledge of good and evil(polarity) they were instantly cut of from the Tree-of-Life reality.

Access to the ten levels of divine energy was withdrawn and blocked. Instead a new consciousness of pain and death revealed by the serpent – one needs to be born again from and we all must pass through Egypt. The power of spirit over matter. 🃏

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