The Nature of the Rulers, the Archons, who are the rulers of a realm within the ‘Kingdom of Darkness’, (elite bloodlines) – who together make up the Prince of Darkness(lucifer).
It expresses Gnostic mythology of the divine creators of the cosmos and humanity.
There is a curtain between the realms above, and the aeons below. A shadow formed beneath the curtain, and the shadow became matter, and the shadow was cast into a region(material world).
What she produces came to be something material like an aborted fetus. It took shape from the shadow, and it became an arrogant beast resembling a lion. It was androgynous(male female) as I already said, because it came from matter ⬛️
The beast opened his eyes and saw a vast amount of matter without limit(fame and money), and he became arrogant and said I am God, and there is none but ME.
When he said this, he sinned against the realm of the ALL ⭕️
A voice came from above the tyrannical realm and said, you are wrong Samuel — which means blind God 🔦
He said if anything exists before me, let me see it (ignorance).
The ruler was androgynous and made him self a huge realm, an expense without limit.
He considered creating for himself offspring, and he created for himself seven offspring(deadly sins), androgynous like their parents.
He said to his children, I am God of all(material).
I have thought you about the form of the rulers, the matter in which the form was produced, their parent, and their world.
The Nag Hammadi Scriptures ⚔️📚