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The Chemical Marriage

The Chemical Marriage in Alchemy.
From an ethical standpoint, the young King and Queen resurrected at the summit of the tower and ensouled by Divine Life represent the forces of Intelligence and Love which must ultimately guide society.

Intelligence and Love are the two great ethical luminaries of the world and correspond to enlightened spirit and regenerated body.

The bridegroom is reality and the bride the regenerated being who attains perfection by becoming one with reality through a cosmic marriage wherein the mortal part attains immortality by being united with its own immortal Source.

In the Hermetic Marriage divine and human consciousness are united in holy wedlock and he or she in whom this sacred ceremony takes place is designated as “Knight of the Golden Stone”; he thereby becomes a divine philosophic diamond composed of the quintessence of their own sevenfold constitution. 🔺🔻♦️

Like the rituals of the Eleusinian Mysteries the initiate ascended the seven rings of the ladder or climbed the seven steps of a pyramid in signify the release of the Planetary Governors.

Man becomes master of the seven spheres only when he transmutes(change ones nature) the impulse received from them.
He who masters the seven worlds consummates the Hermitical Marriage.

The secret Teachings of the Ages.

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