The Crown 👑 NOT THE QUEEN – Shes(Windsor’s) the public face but the shadow crown are the real deal – It’s the puppet show 🤡
– the name the real puppet masters call themselves because the crown is the top chakra – also the Top Sefirot (Kether Crown) in the Tree of Life 🌳- Kabbalah (Ancient Mysticism).
So purple/ violet is the colour of Royalty and NOT allowed on any national flag as it’s ABOVE them – then Ultra Violet can’t be seen just like them – they also stole its meaning as the highest colour in the chakras because they INVERT ITS POLARITY(do it’s opposite – duality). Create complete confusion of who you are.
It’s the top of the colour spectrum 🌈
– our light Aura – this is when white light(ancients called Jesus) that reflects through a prism like a rainbow – with red the lowest just like them (Lucifers fire from below we all need) 🔥 – then INFER – RED is not seen the lowest chakras that uses control, sex, greed, money, celebrities, illusion of material wealth as a means to a successful life – it’s a soul trap 🌀
It’s all a game of energies Light & Dark, you need to play with both because we are both – observe your emotional intelligence outside the Chaos but from inside ⭕️
This knowledge is hidden so you follow the fear porn through the both media’s – state and social media are all controlled and you’ll never evolve spiritually in truth of the two most fundamental questions in life and the least asked out of ridicule –
Who am I ?
Where did I come from ? It’s all I seek 🀄️
It’s the ultimate goal of the ancient mystics and so we should – is to KNOW YOURSELF 🌀
“Educate yourself” – in knowledge regarding who you are ..not what your told – it’s all there – alchemy, astrology and occult world masking YOUR TRUTH, it’s so fucking interesting – it’s time to evolve it’s why the chaos is accelerated
—- a new Age in consciousness – you either get it or it’s not your time to taste new states in consciousness(thoughts – mind – (imagin(e))ation) every thought manifests as an image we store – we are image creators through imagination 🎥