“The Empire of Three Cities” – rule us, governments, media, military, and our money – not the puppets dominating the media masked as leaders of countries when every country is now a corporation and we’re employees of the State – Putin, Biden, Xi and the rest are all controlled for a puppet show to carry out agendas to influence human consciousness-
“The Crown” 👑 – 3 Cities –
The Tri-lateral Commission they are playing out scripts called prophecy’s in Ancient texts 📚 –
if you don’t read about ancient astrology, alchemy, hermitical principles of the occult self and educate yourself and your kids to navigate a new world, your gonna be a lost soul accepting a fascist regime their constructing through fear, war, scarcity, vaccines coming back pushed on people ..
Stop living for pleasure and start been great full and give back what you’ve taken or suffer the karma –
it’s all subconscious programming 🌀 once you learn the game of the magicians tricks – you cant be lured by propaganda 🗣 were created individually to stand out not fit in a fake reality – success is truly defined for those who “know themselves” 💚