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The Fool – Le Mat

The zero card–Le Mat, the Fool–has been likened to the material universe because the mortal sphere is the world of unreality. His bag of vices. The lower universe, like the mortal body of man.

Beneath the garments of the fool is the divine substance, however, of which the jester is but a shadow; this world is a Mardi Gras–a.
Was not this zero card (the Fool) placed in the Tarot deck to deceive all who could not pierce the veil of illusion?

If Le Mat be placed before the first card of the Tarot deck and the others laid out in a horizontal line in sequence from left to right, it will be found that the Fool is walking toward the other trumps as though about to pass through the various cards.

Does not this act of the ancient priests itself afford proof that the entire mystery of the Tarot is wrapped up in the symbolism of its zero card? ⭕️

If knowledge was thus entrusted to fools, should it not be sought for in this card that’s immediately dismissed ?

Like the spiritually hoodwinked and bound neophyte, Le Mat is about to enter upon the supreme adventure–that of passage through the gates of the Divine Wisdom and Understanding over his own very existence.

The zero is AIN SOPH pushed towards the center of Itself resulted in the establishment of the dot in the circle. The dot was called the supreme individualization of the Creator. Then came duality and the divine trinity called wisdom and understanding of Male and female impregnated the Son. The first Adam and prototype of humanity – the supreme seed.

Manly P Hall

Sometimes you’ve to play the fool, to fool the fool who thinks he’s fooling you 🤡

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