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The Four Suits

The four suits of the minor trumps are considered as analogous to the four elements, the four corners of creation, the four season of a year Spring Summer Autumn and Winter that correspond to the four ages Golden, Silver, Bronze, and current violent and destructive Iron Age. The 4 cardinal points of the two solstices and 2 equinoxes represents the Swastika of North East West South – NEWS

The four worlds of Qabbalism – Atziluth Beriah Yetzirah and Asiyah – so The Four Worlds (Hebrew) sometimes counted with a prior stage to make Five Worlds, are the comprehensive categories of spiritual realms in Kabbalah in the descending chain of Existence. The four root races.

The key to the lesser Tarots is presumably the Tetragrammaton, or the four-letter name of Jehovah, IHVH as the four worlds.

The four suits of the minor trumps represent also the major divisions of society: cups are the priesthood, swords the military, coins the tradesmen, and rods or wands the lower class. Classes in society.

The 4 elements, worlds, forces, and planes issuing out of the divine fiery center of life. The wreath on all the UN symbols and Jesus wore signifies the crown Sefirot of the initiate which is given to those who master the four guardians or worlds and enter into the presence of unveiled Truth. Hidden behind Isis veil.

In the pseudo-Egyptian Tarot the Cherubim surround a wreath composed of twelve trifoliate flowers–the subdivision of the zodiac. A human figure kneels below this wreath, playing upon a harp of three strings, for the spirit must create harmony in the triple constitution of its inferior nature before it can gain for itself the solar crown of immortality. 🔢

Manly P Hall

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