The Zohar – the Kabbalah teachings on the immortal soul 🌀
When a new life comes into being as a fertilised egg in the womb, this quiet obviously is the beginning of a process, but it is the completion of a prior chain of events. Male and Female energies have joined to form a cell that encompasses both elements. In a state of wholeness, Kabbalah teaches that the cell is absolutely safe from negative influence. Protected by atomic fluid, it is protected again. That immersion is a shield from Chaos.
The growth process begins and new cells become differentiated or thousands of different possibilities. The very nature of the process brings about openings in that once impenetrable shield. Birth brings departure and protection is lost and openings for negativity are created every day. This is that nature of the world we live in the process are effects often though as causes in a world of opposites. 🎭