The microscope reveals to man his significance; the telescope, his insignificance. Through the labyrinth of diversity only the illumined mind can, and must, lead the soul into the perfect light of unity.
This realm carries with it billions of human beings who live and die oblivious to that immeasurable existence lying beyond the lump on which they dwell.
Philosophy reveals to man his kinship with the All. It shows him that he is a brother to the suns which dot the firmament;
There is within him a spiritual power, a diviner Self, through which he is one with the symphony of the Whole.
Ignorance of ignorance, then, is that self-satisfied state of unawareness in which man, knowing nothing outside the limited area of his physical senses, bumptiously declares there is nothing more to know! He who knows no life beyond the physical is merely ignorant.
Man may live two lives. One is a struggle and suffer from the womb to the tomb. Then repeat in ignorance.
The other life is from realization to infinity. It begins with understanding, its duration is forever, and upon the plane of eternity it is consummated. This is called the philosophic life.
Philosophers are nor born nor do they die; for once having achieved the realization of immortality, they are free from the bondage of Egypt and all black magic.
The fool lives but for today; the philosopher lives forever.
He’s acquired the philosophers stone, he’s an alchemist – turned base metals of his very nature into gold, within his own consciousness.
The philosopher has learned that his physical body is no more his true Self than the physical earth is his true world. The ignorant dwell in a world bounded by time and space.
The unknown is merely that which is yet to be included within the consciousness of the seeker.
The Secret Teaching Of The Ages ⭕️ind over matter 🔺🔻♦️