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The PENTAGRAM is the most powerful of symbols in WHITE magic and it’s INVERTED so dark souls can harness its power for the SELF —- the elementals are dark and light and both act on the consciousness of the Magi 🗣
The functions of the human body, the attributes of the human mind, and the qualities of the human soul, have been personified by the wise men fo the ancient world in symbolism 🗺
—- especially the Old Testament (the tabernacle, the Holy Grail, Solomon’s Temple etc) 🔯✝️☪️
— all based on your anatomy 🔑
MAN is the Ternary(3) Heaven, the middle garden(Eden) and Hell –
— composed of three parts ⚜️
The New Testament is a journey to evolve to a higher state of Christ Consciousness (second coming after a dark age of lessons) by the Re-generation of the Human Heart ❤️
—— The greatest STORY ever told is Christianity taken literally, and the secrets it’s hiding in scripture, in its PAGAN symbols, ALL in plain sight 👁 sure who looks —- I DO EVERYDAY
Under in its vaults of perception, is to be revealed in END TIMES —- 12
It’s Disclosure for those who study the perils of themselves 📖
—- The Biblical patriarchs(characters) creates a great drama(stage 🎥), it’s built around their relationships to themselves, and to each other, for you to understand the concept of a souls journey back to OUR FATHER —- through archetypes and allegories as Jesus spoke in parables because nothing is as it seems —-
Jesus the Joker —- riddle me this 🃏🎭
– In Scripture we are told that God made man in his own image(As above So Below).
Its Also in the holy writings of nearly all enlightened people is to KNOW TYSELF —- ⭕️
The Ancient World will guide your soul home ★ ☆ = ⭐
There’s nothing new under the Sun — ☀️🕐
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—- The Occult Anatomy of Man, by Manly P. Hall