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The Seed of Life

The Seed of Life bisects itself to also equally divide a circle into 12 points 🌱

In Sacred Geometry you can fit 12 around one perfectly (a solar Center or seed of Life) – you can naturally fit 12 tennis balls around one in three dimensional space time as you can 6 around 1 in two dimensions. (Seed of life)
(Allegories in Religion relating to Universal laws)👁

Within everything is the “seed of life” – so one must first learn the secrets of the seeds: he must realize that all metals–like all stones, plants, animals, and universes–grow from seed germs. In the form of tiny seed germs so minute waiting to be impregnated. The ancients call Schamayim, “The Ocean of Spirit, the womb of the World Virgin

Therefore, every grain of sand contains not only the seed of the precious metals as well as the seed of the priceless gems, but also the seeds of sun, moon, and stars.

As within the nature of man is reflected the entire universe in miniature, so in each grain of sand, each drop of water, each tiny particle of cosmic dust, are concealed all the parts and elements of cosmic magic 💫

Trillions of times smaller than the ion or electron, these seeds–unrecognizable and incomprehensible in man –await the time assigned them for growth and expression from the Goddess of creation ⚡

The true philosopher, desiring to accomplish his Magnum Opus(master piece), patterns his conduct according to the Universal laws that govern himself and Nature by watering his seed of life like it’s the Holy Grail. 🌳

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