The Catholic Church worships Moloch – the practice of child sacrifice the Bible you’ll see it everywhere as Abraham was about to sacrifice Jacob ..seriously ! the father of faith he’s called and about to KILL his Son – the three books of religion are attributed to him..of Abraham Isaac and Jacob of Is-ra-el – ISIS The Sun God Ra and the El-ohim 🤟🏻
Those who do not want to participate in this Sun worship – you go to church on Sunday – why ?
do you go to church on Sunday lol its Sun worship. Don’t mind them pastors who go to bible brainwashing school – havnt a clue of the ancient world and only read one book – and are under a group of El-ders who are El-ite – (EL -Sun God) – which they all go back to Catholic Church – and the Bible was written by a group of El-ites (Cardinals) at the The First Council of Nicaea(turkey) was a council of Christian Cardinals in the city of Nicaea – by the Roman Emperor Constantine who on his death bed converted to Christianity from pagan sun worship – they where all pagan sun worshipers – ignorance is what traps the soul ✌🏻..wake up and re-search , re-align and re-set 🙂
in Latin in Spanish what is sunday
sunday is Domingo which means they want to give Dominion to the Sun. dominion over your truth and soul ..
worshipping on Sunday giving you
reverence to the Sun God you know what they call them – Mithra – Helios – Horos –
even Jesus is the Sun God , so many characteristics to Jesus and this is not even funny anymore. Billions deceived ! It’s by design and think it’s nonsense do some research instead of blindly walking into your future realities ☯️🤟🏻🤢
I’m well aware of people turning their nose up about these types posts while tearing the back of you for doing it saying I’m demonic ..the most bitter are most lost and the most two faced 🎭!