The man who has a bad conscience always believes that he’s been accused or rather is under suspicion, if he recognizes himself in line with the collective conscious, he will take an entire satire as referring to his victim self, and complained loudly that he is being slandered 🗣
Always as curious as he is fearful.
Always opinionated and always weak, what he fears above all else is to recognize his wrongdoing 🚫
The past troubles him, the future terrifies him, he would like to compromise with himself in believing that he would be a good man under better conditions ⚜️
His life is a continual battle between good aspirations and evil habits, accepting all the corruption of the century as a necessity to which he must submit 🛑
He distracts himself with a few philosophical past times, and deliberately takes on a protective smile to persuade him self that he is not a simple exploit of famine complicity 🥸
Such men are always exploiters, even when they do good works if they decide to make it a donation for public good, they postponed a good deed in order to gain more credit 💲
This type of person who I’m forced to describe is not anybody in particular, it is a whole class of men to whom the mage most deals With in this century. The mage must distrust them in the same manner that they mistrust everyone, because he will find them the most unreliable of friends and the most dangerous of enemies 🎭
The Doctrine and Ritual of High Magic ⭕️