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The Tree of Life

Occult knowledge of existence 👁

We live inside an Eco system called – The of Tree of life, and it’s no accident as they want you to be-lie-ve. It’s proof is visible for all to see, but hard to accept because of our programming.
Equal light, equal dark – is an Equinox – high Sun, low Sun are the Solstices – these 4 events, are called the Cardinal points – Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter – 4 –
12 o clock is midnight – 3 after-noon – 6 mid- day 9 is Eve-ning when Sun-sets on the Horizon (Horus & Set, are the Egyptian Gods – Their Saviour & Satan etc.

All about the suns Journey around this realm. This is what the real meaning of the Swastika – robbed by The Nazis, to invert its meaning. They knew the Ancient world of energy, these used it to harvest humanities subconscious energy and how they did was ignorance.
Black Magick in the Dark Age.
The swastika symbol, 卐 or 卍, is an ancient religious icon in the cultures of Eurasia. It is not evil just hoodwinked like everything here.
Knowledge is Power, it’s not to used for material gain or gather social media followers or your inverting it for self gain. Or idolatry, thinking like celebs is usually compensation for insecurity and inability to be alone with their inner demons 🚷

It’s divinity is echoed in eternity by the humble Sages, mystics who don’t live in mansions or seek material gain.

The knowledge of the Ages and the realisation of Self-Actualisation – a journey of soul evolution – reaching your potential – mentally – physically – spiritually. A very tough journey requires sacrifice.

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