Train your mind —- anyone can lift Dumb-Bells AND FEED THEIR JACK Russell’s protein 💪🏻 most PT’s just parrot what their taught with a degree in selfies —— zero knowledge of the magic of the mind, and how to control it through imagination, meditation and repetition, the most powerful skill to harness this is your WILL(Male energy) – your the Architect 👁
Turn OF THE – “Tel – a – Vision” (Black Mirror – portal)👁
— navigate to CHANNEL(Sky RTE), choose PROGRAM(Goggle Box 🤪) — garbage because this program is a SHOW of people watching TEL-E-VISION been PROGRAMMED 📺❌
-— Uploaded to your memory-BANK (sub-conscious)
NEWS is – N-ORTH E-ast W-est S-OUTH 🧭
—to PROGRAM you needs daily REPETITION x2
——- the Angela’s, I couldn’t bare it or Gay Byrne ffs —- DONG DONG DONG DOPEY boring shite🔔 -—-
it’s on the hour every hour till your completely brainwashed,with movies and tv shows — to what reality is,
A specific language called NON-SENSE 🤣
NOT some of it was LIES —- ALL of it.
She was only to be revealed during END TIMES —- it’s disclosure time, the second coming of higher Christ CONSCIOUSNESS(soul awareness)