The term what you focus on can manifest in your life. They proved that it is possible to produce beauty by surrounding your life with beauty in nature, music, books, architecture, art and beautiful souls.
They discovered that symmetrical bodies with noble thoughts were produced by minds surrounded by examples of mental nobility. Conversely, if a man were forced to look upon ugly thoughts and deeds perpetuated in news media and ugly minds, it would arouse in him a sense of ignoble or distorted mind structures and provoke him to commit ugly deeds.
If an ill proportioned building(the Leaning Tower) was erected in a city like our buildings today compared to antiquity – there would be ill proportioned children born in that community, and men and woman gazing upon the asymmetrical structure, would live inharmonious lives.
Thoughtful men of antiquity(ancient times) realised that their great philosophers were the natural products of the aesthetic buildings of architecture, music , art established as the standards of the cultural systems of the time.
The Saviour Gods of the ancient world were beautiful and the construction and dimensions of the architecture revealed the secret mysteries of the universe carved by master masons and builders who mediated on each section. Reflected in the consciousness of the golden age in which they stood.
Thus the physical building is actually a tomb of the creative ideal of consciousness which it’s material dimensions are but the shadow.
They eventually fell victim to the onslaughts of that recipient trio of state, the church and the mob it programs.
They were desecrated by the state jealous of the beauty and power, by the early church fearful of their knowledge and wisdom, by the mob of ignorance for its truth masked in symbolism.
When the mob governs, man is ruled by ignorance, when the church governs he is ruled by superstition and when state governs he is ruled by fear. 🆘