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The Hunger Games

The Hunger Games is set in world that is exactly what is described to be the New World Order: A rich and powerful elite, an exploited and dumbed-down mass of people, the dissolving of democracies into a police state entities, high-tech surveillance, mass media used for propaganda and a whole lot of blood rituals like the shooting in Hollywood by a celebrity – was a ritual. The satanic concerts going on.

The Hunger Games is another allegory like Platos allegory of the cave. It’s all driven by FEAR. The only way to bring down the system is rebellion from that FEAR through Love – it’s polarity !

For the fall into the 3rd dimension is the fall of man.
The Capital is heaven or nirvana.
The twelve disciples as the twelve zodiac signs or 12 labours of the soul that descends through the Rings, into the world of illusion, that is material existence to experience duality and free will to choose love or fear.
Were in the 3rd dimension 1+2= 12

The 13th district in Hunger Games is an example of the past Ages that keeps repeating itself destroying and rebuilding.

The number 13 represents REBELLION. it’s meaning is the fact that a child becomes rebellious at around age 13.
Hitler chose the year 1939 to begin World War II, because 39 is formed by the multiplication of 13×3

Because 13 in excess of being complete. That is why in the heavens and on earth we have 12 signs of the zodiac as the 12 disciples, 12 months of the year, 12 hours of day, 12 hours of night, 12 inches in a foot, 12 grades in school, 12 step-programs, 12 jurors, 12 knights of the round table etc.

So the occult meaning is –
All, that don’t build themselves in the third dimension spiritually will be here until they do.

It’s all here, heaven and hell, it’s just a matter of disciplining the spirit to perceive it too be what it is – through knowledge of self, that is the journey – up or down Jacobs ladder 🔺🔻👁

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