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The Sefer Yetzirah

The Sefer Yetzirah defines the five dimensions continuum- it defines 10 directions. Two opposite directions in each dimension.

The space continuum consists of three dimensions, up-down, north-south, east-west. Defined by six directions called the “Universe”- were we live and see visible light in three dimensions.

The time continuum consists of two directions – past-future or beginning-end(Genesis- Exodus) – This is called “Year”.

Finally there is a moral fifth dimension, with two directions called good-evil. This is called “soul”.

The five dimensional hyperspace is the Sefirot – with spiritual dimensions. Binding the physical and the spiritual
If every pair defines an infinity line in polarity – then the beginning is embedded in its End.

This is true of the Keter – Malkhut line
1———10 ..and all polarities – the line extends infinitely towards God – the ultimate Good. It also extends infinitely away from God towards ultimately Evil .
So All opposites in their extreme case become one.

In the spiritual world it is impossible to bring two opposites together. Because they are opposite they are POLES apart. God and man are worlds apart. Two opposites can only be brought together on a physical plane.

The soul is bound to the body as spiritual things can be bound to the material world. For this reason man has the urge for good and evil. Without a physical world they could never be bound together to play out the game of life in a single entity.

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