It’s written in the stars ✨
it’s all numerology and symbolism, The Universe Loves to Hide it’s secrets –
– Jesus was crucified by the Roman government and died for 3 days at age 33. Jesus was crucified at Golgotha (place of the skull) at age 33 in the year 33 A.D.
– Elohim appears 33 times in Genesis’ story of creation. 33 degree Freemasons –
33 is also the numeric equivalent of the word “Amen.”
– The 33rd time Jacob’s name is found in scripture he promised to give a tenth of all he had to God when he had a vision of a ladder reaching to heaven. that correspond to 33 segments of the Spinal Column –
– he was not born in December 25th as most Christians celebrate
– that’s a pagan festival The winter solstice which is purposely hidden
– it’s why September 11 was a highly significant date for this spiritual war currently taking place and was the date of the inception of the ancient Holy War
– The war on Terror
911 –
9 + 1+ 1 = 11 – A Twin number Twin Towers
– very significant to past wars of Muslim Christian Islam Jewish Bloodshed 🔢✡️🔡
Fallen Angels And 33 – Idolized by The New Age And Occult. The number 33 is an occult Master Number and a way to open the “Third Eye.”.
Contrary to the Bible’s negative connotation, the New Age and occult movements have embraced the number 33 wholeheartedly declaring it a “master number.”. –
“In Spiritual Numerology, ’33’ symbolizes the highest spiritual conscious attainable by the human being.”-Elizabeth van Buren, “The Secret of the Illuminati” –
Numbers and dates envoke a certain power a certain frequency by those who know the GAME – how many people around the globe invoke this number saying “Amen”
– This is Spiritual Warfare for supremacy of our Souls